This command by default prints the SHA1 fingerprint of acertificate. If the -v option is specified, thecertificate is printed in human-readable format, with additionalinformation such as the owner, issuer, serial number, and anyextensions. If the -rfc option is specified,certificate contents are printed using the printable encodingformat, as defined by the Internet RFC1421 standard
The entity that created the certificate is responsible forassigning it a serial number to distinguish it from othercertificates it issues. This information is used in numerous ways,for example when a certificate is revoked its serial number isplaced in a Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
UPS control 1.0 Serial Key keygen
PowerMaster+ management software provides comprehensive advanced power management. It controls unattended shutdowns, scheduled shutdowns, and notifications for computers powered by the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply).
All the commands received are recorded in a log file. Execution of these commands depends on an authorization control: the commands are only accepted if the UPS that transmitted them is part of an authorization list.
The operating status of each UPS is represented by a traffic light icon. In case of anomaly, the icon of the UPS in the alarm status changes colour, depending on the seriousness of the fault. The control program sends pop-up messages, e-mail and runs customised programs.
If your operating system is older, or if you have an old-fashionedserial-line UPS, you'll have to read about serial installation (seeInstallation: Serial-Line UPSes). If you need moredetails about administration for unusual situations (such as amaster/slave or multi-UPS setup) you'll need to read the sections onthose topics as well. Finally,there are a number of technical reference sections whichgives full details on things like configuration file directives andevent-logging formats.
There are three majorways of running apcupsd on your system. The first is a standaloneconfiguration where apcupsd controls a single UPS, which powers asingle computer. This is the most common configuration. If you'reworking with just one machine and one UPS, skip the rest of thissection.
The third configuration is where a singlecomputer controls multiple UPSes. In this case, there are severalinstances of apcupsd on the same computer, each controlling adifferent UPS. One instance of apcupsd will run in standalone mode, andthe other instance will normally run in network mode.This type of configuration may be appropriate for large serverfarms that use one dedicated machine for monitoring anddiagnostics
Apcupsd supports USB connections on all major operating systems:Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Windows, Solaris, and Mac OS XDarwin. If you plan to use a USB connection, please read theappropriate subsection in its entirety. You can skip this sectionif your UPS has a serial (RS232-C) or Ethernet interface or if youare not running one of the platforms listed above.
Replace the serial number in quotes with the one that correspondsto your UPS. Then whenever you plug in your UPS a symlink calledups0, ups1, etc. will be created pointing to the correct hiddevnode. This technique is highly recommended if you have more thanone UPS connected to the same server since rearranging your USBcables or even upgrading the kernel can affect the order in whichdevices are detected and thus change which hiddev node correspondsto which UPS. If you use the symlink-by-serial-number approach thelink will always point to the correct device node.
On the FreeBSD OS, there is no known way for a user program to getcontrol when all the disks are synced. This is needed for apcupsdto be able to issue the killpower command to the UPS so that theUPS shuts off the power. To accomplish the same thing on FreeBSDsystems, make sure you have a SmartUPS and that your UPS shutdowngrace period is set sufficiently long so that you system will powerdown (usually 2 minutes), the use the --kill-on-powerfail optionon the apcupsd command line.
On OS X (Darwin), apcupsd can be built with configure defaults.The USB driver can be enabled, as per the directions on Mac OS X (Darwin)USB Configuration Apcupsd may be usableon OS X with a smart serial device, but certainly does work as aNIS client or using a USB interface.
You will then need to make the normal changes to the/etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf file. This file contains theconfiguration settings for the package. It is important that youset the values to match your UPS model and cable type, and theserial port that you have attached the UPS to. People have usedboth /dev/ttya and /dev/ttyb with no problems. You should be surethat logins are disabled on the port you are going to use,otherwise you will not be able to communicate with the UPS. If youare not sure that logins are disabled for the port, run the'admintool' program as root, and disable the port. The 'admintool'program is a GUI administration program, and required that you arerunning CDE, OpenWindows, or another XWindows program such as KDE.
Solaris probes the serial ports during boot, and during thisprocess, it toggles some handshaking lines used by dumb UPSes. As aresult, particularly for simple signalling "dumb" UPSes it seems tokick it into a mode that makes the UPS think it's either in acalibration run, or some self-test mode. Since at this point we arereally not communicating with the UPS, it's pretty hard to tellwhat happened. But it's easy to prevent this, and you should.Disconnect the UPS, and boot the system. When you get to a loginprompt, log in as root. Type the following command:
depending on which com port your UPS is attached to. Then sync andshutdown the system normally, reattach the UPS, and reboot. Thisshould solve the problem. However, we have some reports that recentversions of Solaris (7 & 8) appear to have removed this eepromoption and there seems to be no way to suppress the serial portprobing during boot.
At this point, you should have a complete installation. The daemonwill load automatically at the next boot. Watch for any errormessages during boot, and check the event logs in /etc/apcupsd. Ifeverything looks OK, you can try testing the package by removingpower from the UPS. NOTE! if you have a voltage-signalling UPS,please run the first power tests with your computer plugged intothe wall rather than into the UPS. This is because dumb serial-portUPSes have a tendency to power off if your configuration or cableare not correct.
DEVICE should be set to the path of the device node(usually in /dev) to use to communicate with the UPS. This is used primarilyfor serial port connections. If you have a USB device, it is better not tospecify a DEVICE directive by leaving it black or commenting it out.Apcupsd will automatically search for your device in the standard places.If you specify a DEVICE, it should be the name of the device thatapcupsd is to use to communicate with the UPS.
If you have a simple signalingor dumb UPS such as a BackUPS, you will need to know exactly whatcable you have and specify it on the UPSCABLE directive. Please seethe list of UPSes versus cables in the beginning of this documentfor more information. The cable number is normally stamped in theplastic at one end of the cable. If you specify the wrong cable, itis very likely that at the first power failure, your computer willbe immediately shutdown. This is an unfortunate consequence of thedumb signaling mode. To avoid this, first replace/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol with safe.apccontrol found in theexamples directory, then test until everything works correctly.Once you have the correct cable, be sure to remember to reinstallthe correct apccontrol file and test that your computer iscorrectly shutdown during a power failure.
MODBUS is APC's replacement for the aging 'apcsmart' (aka UPS-Link)protocol. It is recommended for modern (ex: SMT series) Smart-UPS models.As of 3.14.11, apcupsd supports the MODBUS protocol over RS232 serialinterfaces. As of 3.14.13, apcupsd supports the MODBUS protocol over USB.
The DEVICE setting can be left blank or, optionally, set to the serialnumber of the UPS. If DEVICE is blank, apcupsd will attach to the firstAPC UPS it finds, otherwise it will attach to the specific UPS identified bythe serial number.
The following testing procedures apply for themost part to SmartUPSes, whether USB or serial. If you have adumb voltage-signalling UPS, your testing procedures will besomewhat different, and you should see the section on TestingSerial UPSes (see Testing Serial-Line UPSes).
At this point, you should ensurethat apcupsd is handling the connection to the UPS correctly. Thistest assumes you have a UPS that speaks apcsmart protocol, overeither USB or a serial port. If you have an old-stylevoltage-signaling UPS, please skip to the next section (SimulatedPower Fail Test).
When apcupsd detects a problem, it generates an EVENT, whichconsists of sending a message to the system log then invoking theapccontrol script (normally in /etc/acpupsd/apccontrol) to handlethe event.
In order to create an event, remove the serial port plug from theback of your computer or from the back of the UPS. Within 6seconds, apcupsd should detect the lack of serial portcommunications and broadcast a wall message indicating that theserial port communications was lost:
If these messages are logged but not broadcast, either you haveyour mesg permission set to no (see 'man wall' or 'man mesg'),or there is a problem with apccontrol. If you are running a windowmanager such as GNOME and don't have a console window open, you maynot receive the wall messages. However, you should find them inyour system log file (normally /var/log/messages) and in thetemporary EVENTS file, /etc/apcupsd/ For example, toobserve these events in the temporary EVENTS file, you might do a
To avoid the possibility that apcupsd might shut down your system,locate where apccontrol resides on your system (normally,/etc/apcupsd/apccontrol. Move this script to another location and replace it with the script found inexamples/safe.apccontrol. When that is done, ensure that your UPSbattery is fully charged and that you have at least 5 minutes ofremaining runtime on the batteries. This can be done by examiningthe values of the BATTCHG and TIMELEFT variables in theprintout of 'apcaccess status'. 2ff7e9595c