You say you're up to date on your software and such so I'm assuming you're running the latest Cutting Master 4? Graphtec doesn't actually say on their download page -download-ce5000-60-120 that Cutting Master 4 supports Coreldraw 2018 or what version it does support like the older Cutting Master 3 program. But I do know from using version 4 with Coreldraw 2017 on a friend's FC8600 Graphtec cutter that it worked fine (and he hasn't updated to Coreldraw 2018 and won't until a service pack is released due to graphics rendering problems). So it wouldn't surprise me one bit that the current version of Cutting Master 4 is incompatible with 2018 and needs an update. I would personally contact Graphtec and ask them when they're going to update their software to support Coreldraw 2018.
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